Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump is home to numerous world-famous manga such as Dragon Ball, One Piece, and Naruto. Joining the ranks is Gintama, an action-adventure comedy following a quirky samurai who makes a living doing odd jobs in an alien-infested Edo period Japan. The creative setting and hilarious characters have made it a beloved manga in Japan and abroad. Looking to beef up your Gintama merchandise collection? Here are five interesting items to show off your love for the silver-haired samurai.
1. Gintama Manga: Thousands of Pages of Laughs
Walk into a manga store in Japan, and you’ll be floored at how cheap volumes are compared to abroad. If you really want to get the best deal, buying series sets is the way to go. This bundle has the first 40 volumes of Gintama for less than 150 JPY per book! Relive Gintama’s origins as he tries to make it through the day, one job at a time. Reading through these volumes a great way to brush up on your Japanese, or just serve as an impressive collection piece.
2. Gintama Jigsaw Puzzles: Piecing Together the Fun
You know a manga has finally made it big when it finally has jigsaw puzzle merch. Don’t be surprised if you see large sections of Japanese toy and comic shops dedicated solely to puzzles based on your favorite characters. This massive 950 piece jigsaw puzzle of Gintama’s eclectic cast of characters spans over 100 centimeters in length. Want something at more of a beginner level? There are many other smaller sets featuring individual characters and scenes. If 950 is too easy, there’s a 1000 piece set as well!
3. Popular Gintama Merchandise! Hoodies and T-Shirts
Represent Gintoki’s all-purpose business with this comfy Yorozuya Ginchan hoodie. Emblazened with the kanji for “silver” on the back, you’ll feel like no job is too big, or too weird, as long as you’ve got this on you. There are other Gintama related hoodies and shirts available. The white and blue kimono-patterned T-shirt is a great pickup for the coming summer months!
4. Cup Sitting Figures: A Tiny Friend for You
Ever feel a bit lonely when you’re sipping tea? Never have that feeling again with a buddy on your cup. These small figurines that sit on the edge of your glass have been a popular trend these past few years, and Gintama will be represented by new cup sitters this July. Though normally sold in blind boxes or capsule machines, this is a complete set, thus you are guaranteed to have all eight figures. Only want one or two? You can also buy them individually by searching “お茶友シリーズ 銀魂.” Past editions have different characters and poses, so find which one suits you best!
5. Sougo’s Eyemask Pouch: Eyeing the Prize
Okita Sougo’s goofy eyemask may help him get some shut-eye, but what happens if you need to buckle down and get to work? Fortunately, with this pencil pouch, you can be productive and silly at the same time. It’s the perfect size for your pens and pencils, or whatever elese you might need to get the job done. Staring deep into its eyes gives you the motivation to finish so you can finally nap.
After Word
The wacky world of Gintama is filled to the brim with excitement, just like Buyee is filled with thousands of merchandise and dozens of stores to shop from. Whatever your into, Buyee has it. Gintoki may do a thousand jobs, but Buyee’s job is to make sure you get what you want at the best price!