Attack on Titan, also known as Shingeki no Kyojin in Japanese, is a manga series popular worldwide, with a very successful anime adaptation, currently with two seasons that were aired and viewed by fans worldwide. Written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama, the series began in 2009 in the Shonen Magazine and proved to be a major hit with a staggering 71 million copies sold worldwide.
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The story of Attack on Titan:
Centuries ago, the human race was slaughtered to near extinction by monstrous, humanoid, man-eating creatures called the Titans. To ensure their survival, the remnants of humanity started to live within massive walls, resulting in a hundred years of peace without a single titan encounter. However, that fragile peace was shattered when a colossal Titan managed to breach the supposedly impregnable outer wall, forcing the human kind to fight for survival against the man-eating abominations, once again.
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The Main Character: Eren
Eren Yaeger is this story’s protagonist. His adoptive sister, Mikasa, notes that he frequently acts on impulse without thinking things through and that he is very emotional. Because of his arrogant nature, Eren occasionally gets into arguments and fights with others, which makes him a somewhat “annoying” character. Although he is slightly above average when it comes to fighting, he has a special ability that grants him the power to transform into a Titan that he uses to demolish other Titans.
Mikasa: Eren’s Adoptive Sister
Mikasa is Eren’s adoptive sister. Mikasa shares an unbreakable bond with Eren and feels in debt to Eren’s family, following the events in her past. She rushes to protect Eren whenever he is in danger, and she does so very frequently due to Eren’s impulsive character. Although Eren frequently states that he will protect Mikasa, Mikasa is physically stronger than Eren and she does almost all of the protecting, ironically.
A fan favorite: Levi
Levi is known as one of the coolest characters in the story of Attack on Titan. Because of his characteristics, he is a fan favorite, and his goods are very popular compared to those of other characters. He is the Captain of the Scouting Legion division and is very powerful when it comes to fighting with Titans. His past is unknown, and he is, therefore, a very mysterious character, but that is what makes him so favorable among the fans. Check out his figures with the link below!
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