Always concerning what to play when hanging out with friends or family? Especially when there are quite many people in the party! Today I would like to introduce 3 board game to you, and hope will give you some new idea!
- 【Topology Memory】Crazy Slapjack!Not only have to move fast, also have to think fast!
- 【Coyote】adorable illustration version of the classic board game!
- 【Dreams】Fantastic board game! A scheming war among gods!
【Topology Memory】Crazy Slapjack!Not only have to move fast, also have to think fast!

- Players:2-5
- Play Time:about 10 minutes
「Topology Memory」can simply see as a transformed Slapjack. Although it claims to play within 5 people, yet it is quite free with the number of people if everyone can clearly see cards and touch them. If you want to break the ice, the game that can get the adrenaline flowing will be a good choice!
How to play
Put all cards into one pile and place in the middle. Take away the card on the top to make the number of cards into odd. During the game, each player flips a card in turn from the pile, once 2 “same ” cards flip up to become a pair on the table, they can be slapped. The player slap first can take the pair. After all the card flipped out, the player has more pairs win the game!

And what means “same” is that both 2 following conditions are the same:
1. The same amount of parts
2. The same number of holes in each part
Let check some examples to make it clear:
The smiley face on the card is composed of 3 parts ( 2 eyes and 1 mouth, they are not connecting), and the mouth part has a hole in it.
And for the other card “合”, it also separated into 3 parts (人 on the top, 一 in the middle, and the 口 at the bottom) and there is also a hole in the 口 part! Therefore they can be seen as a pair. If these 2 cards on the table at the same time, players have to point on them as soon as possible!
Other examples such as “28” and “青” also can become a pair, very tricky right? It might be quite difficult, yet it will definitely be fun once you get used to it!
【Coyote】adorable illustration version of the classic board game!

- Players:2-10
- Play Time:20-30 minutes
Many of you might be familiar with this game! Yet the original version design the card into feather shape, just like traditional Indian headdress! However, if you just want to play in a simple way, the Japanese illustration version might satisfy your need!
How to Play
All the players pick one card from the pile and keep the card back to themselves (so everyone can’t see their own card). As the game start, every player will shout out “estimated sum” among them in turns, and the number you shout have to bigger than the previous player. If you guess the number, which your previous player shout, has surpassed the actual sum, you may shout “Coyote” to check the outcome. If it does bigger than the player who calls “Coyote” win, contrary if it is less than the actual sum, the player will lose a life.
Although Coyote looks like a simple calculation game, it can be really exciting since all the players might bluff about what they see!
【Dreams】Fantastic board game! A scheming war among gods!

- Players:3-6
- Play Time:about 30 minutes
I was hooked by this dreaming game at first sight! Delicate tokens, beautiful illustration make it the best game for a leisure afternoon! However, the game itself is definitely not peaceful!
The players of “Dreams” will become gods to create dreams for humans. However, there is a mortal mix into the group of gods, and the purpose of each round is to find the mortal! And on the other side, the mortal would have to figure out which image is gods making.
How to play

- Each round will have 4 images on the board and number them.
- Make tokens piles. If there are 6 players, then put five “1” tokens into a pile and mix a mortal into it. So do other numbers.
- Pick one pile and give every player a token. If you got the answer (number token) then you are god, contrary, the mortal player would not know the answer.
- Game start. All players have 3 “stars” and would put a star on the sky in turn to create the dream.
- After every player put all their stars, gods will have to guess who is the mortal among them, and the mortal has to guess which is the answer with their dials.
- Calculate the score depends on the outcome. And the player who wins 16 points first will be the winner!
This game is not only about deducing, how to create a dream in such an abstract way is also really funny. And identity change each round also make the game more interesting!
After seeing so many interesting board games, just can wait to try them! Find more tabletop game, check Japanese site Board Gamer!
※Pictures are used with permission