The Mount Fuji volcano, located partially within the Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures southwest of Tokyo, is a national symbol of Japan which is instantly recognizable in countless works of art. This article will teach you about the culture of hiking the mountain, and the conditions you will face if you choose to travel and try to take the climb yourself. We will also give you a crash course on what gear you simply have to get to enjoy your trip to this famous landmark as much as an experienced veteran!
What are Mount Fuji’s Local Geography and Climate Like?
While a hike on Mt. Fuji is always a worthwhile experience, there are certain aspects of the local climate and surroundings that it would be best to keep in mind as you plan your trip! The difference in climate between the surrounding fields and the mountain itself can be substantial, and you will feel a substantial drop in temperature as you travel from the 5th climbing stations on the mountain up towards the summit, which is below freezing for most of the year.
Mt. Fuji as a Symbol of Faith
Mount Fuji has been worshipped in various capacities in Japan since ancient times, both for its beautiful form and eruptions. The mountain’s presence in the cultural and artistic fields dates back to at least 1,200 years ago, when it was mentioned in the Manyoshu, a collection of Japanese poetry.
Mount Fuji Preparation Tips Video
The Youtube video linked below explains seven tips that are important to keep in mind for potential Mount Fuji climbers:
Recommended Mount Fuji Climbing Goods
Merrell Trekking Shoes
These durable shoes from American company Merrell are perfect for a long trip up Mount Fuji, and are just one example of the shoes that you can find on Buyee’s stores.
Climbing Rucksack
This rucksack comes in a variety of patterns and sizes. It does not take up much space while ensuring that you have everything you need for your next Mount Fuji adventure!
Two Piece Outdoor Raincoat Set
For those days when you get caught in unexpected showers during your hikes, this two piece set can be a quick solution!
Waterproof Rucksack Cover
This rugged rucksack cover protects against water, UV rays and cuts. It can make a simple day trip to Mount Fuji even simpler, no matter the weather circumstances!
1L Outdoor Stainless Water Bottle
With a capacity of one liter, this water bottle will certainly keep you supplied for the length of many hiking adventures.
LED Rechargeable Headlamp
This headlamp is handy for times when you know that you will be out past daylight and need to have an easy, hands-free source of light at at the ready.
UV Cutting Ice Towel
Dip this towel in cold water and it will stay cool and refreshing, reliable even on hot days out in the great outdoors!
Map Book of Japan’s 100 Famous Mountains
Mountain climbing is a popular hobby in Japan, with many notable spots, and this Japanese map book can give you a great geographical guide to Mount Fuji as well as the many other mountains scattered across the country.
For those who are still interested in building their collection of Mount Fuji merchandise at home, we recommend that you check out the special feature below for some interesting themed goods that would fit right in with anyone’s décor!