The first Godzilla movie premiered in 1954 and became a worldwide pop culture icon. After appearing in 29 films of the original franchise, and two American remakes, the most recent of which is slated for a sequel, Godzilla is still high on the list of most beloved movie monsters.
Check out these 4 limited edition Godzilla figures that any serious collector will want in their collection.
1. Godzilla’s latest version! 2017 Figures
Check out this SH Monsters 1st release limited edtion figure of Godzilla 2017. This is an awesome rendition of the titular monster of the 2017 animated movie. This figure is fully posable with amazing detail. It’s a must for any die hard Gozilla fan. Don’t miss your chance to bid.
2. Godzilla Figures on Fire!
From the 1995 movie Godzilla vs. Destroyah, this rare figure depicts a scene from the movie when Godzilla is set ablaze. A unique addition to any collection. The figure is in great shape with the original tag still attached!
3. Godzilla Junior Figures
The pantheon of monsters in the Godzilla franchise is truly vast. Check out this lovingly rendered version of Godzilla Jr. This figure depicts Godzilla Jr.’s latest form from the 1995 movie Godzilla vs Destroyah. This figure is the SH Monsters Arts Special color version of Godzilla Jr. This is a must have for those collectors looking for only the unique monsters of the Godzilla world.
4. Godzilla 2000 Millennium Figures
From the Millennium series, this is a unique collectible. Originally only available at movie theatre giftshops, they were sold in conjunction with the movie release. Don’t miss your chance to bid on this figure. It’s likely the only place you’ll find these.
5. Godzilla 2014 Figures
This is a figure released in conjuction with the latest American take on the legendary movie monster. These were only available at movie theatre giftshops and this figure is in great shape. Don’t miss your chance to bid on this collector7s item.
After Word
Any a fan of the Godzilla franchise and it’s awesome world of unique monsters, will find these limited edition figures hard to resist.