Aggretsuko or Aggressive Retsuko is a Japanese anime. It is based on the eponymous character created by “Yeti” for the mascot company Sanrio. The first character was seen in a series of animated shorts by Fanworks between April 2016 and March 2018. Then an original net animation series launched worldwide on Netflix in April 2018.
Not only in Japan can you find Aggretsuko Merchandise
If you live in Japan you probably won’t have any problem in getting Aggretsuko merchandise such as clothes, key chains, wallets, posters, sneakers. However what happens if you don’t live in Japan? You mustn’t worry, because thanks to internet you can find many of Aggretsuko merchandise. So with just a click you can receive many of the great merchandise that Aggretsuko has to offer.
Getting up there fast!
This Japanese anime is climbing up and may I say very fast! A recent countdown of international votes show that Yoshikitty and Aggretsuko are both in third place! Gudetama is in the first place and Kuromi is in the second place. Aggretsuko has gotten many new fans ever since Netflix started to show this anime and will certainly climb higher and higher!
1. This purse is a must if you are a Aggretsuko Fan!
Aggretsuko is a cute red panda. She is 25 years old and works in an office in an accounting department. She has a boss that drives her wild, so in order to take away her frustration she takes sessions of heavy metal karaoke. So if you are a Aggretsuko fan you must really have this purse!
2. No more lost keys with Aggretsuko Key Chain!
Washimi is the president’s secretary but is willing to take care of your keys so you won’t loose them. This stuffed plush doll comes with a metal keychain so you can store your keys or you can just hang her on your handbag.
3. Coolest Aggretsuko Cellphone Charger ever!
Does your cellphone always run out of battery? No, problem! Here we have what you were looking for! These extra batteries will keep your cell alive all day long. They come with three different Aggretsuko designs. Pick your favorite now!
After Word
Despite Aggretsuko’s cute appearance, something deep within her is filled with rage. She is a great character to relate to and feel some catharsis if you work in tough office situation. So grab your Aggretsuko merchandise and laugh along at her antics.
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