Have you ever played any trading card game series, such as Yu-Gi-Oh! or the always popular Pokemon trading card game?

As fans of these trading card game series will know, over the years some cards have become very rare and hard to obtain. The most serious collectors of trading cards will want to buy these cards no matter how much they cost. Some people may be thinking that a single card couldn’t possibly fetch such a high fee. Those who think so are sorely mistaken – the prices are far beyond anything you could imagine! Listed below are the TOP 5 most expensive single cards extracted from JDirectItems Auction products via Buyee over the past year. Let’s take a look and be amazed together!
#5: Son Goku and Gohan 3000 Copy Limited Foil Card (Approx. $2,900)
This exclusive card comes from Dragon Ball Carddass, which is a Dragon Ball Z themed trading card series out of many released by Bandai which are made to interact with their ‘Data Cardass’ line of arcade machines. This card was a lottery gift sent out to commemorate the release of the second series, and was limited to just 3000 copies!
#4: Mox Ruby β Beta (Approx. $4,818)
Magic the Gathering, or ‘MTG’, is said to be one of the most complex games in existence. Due to the rich history of its world, its deep strategy, and interesting and mysterious magical creatures, MTG has become very popular all over the world. This card Mox Ruby β Beta, goes for an incredible price. However, in the MTG, this is only considered to be the 8th most expensive card! Black Lotus, the legendary and most expensive MTG card, costs over five times as much as this card!
#3: Tropical Wind Promo Card (Approx. $6,550)
This Pokemon trading card game card was issued in 1999 as a prize for participants in the Tropical Mega Battle Tournament. Since this is a genuine first edition card from 1999, the price is especially high!
#2: Blue-Eyes White Dragon V Jump Festa ’99 1000 Copy Limited (Approx. $6,663)
This extremely limited card was only given out to 1000 visitors at the V Jump Festa 1999. However, even this amount is not so high compared to other cards. The Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon card from the same series is said to be the most expensive in the world, and costs about $421,000!
#1: Pokemon Snap Best Photo Contest Winning Squirtle Card (Approx. $9,357)
A special card created as part of a campaign commemorating the release of Pokemon Snap for the Nintendo 64, a game which has you become a photographer and take pictures of Pokemon (And has an upcoming sequel that was announced recently!). This card that won a contest in which fan-created photos were carefully judged and the top photos were made into a real Pokemon card for the prize winners. This card’s price may shock you, but the all-time most expensive Pokemon card sold for about $60,833!
Find The Rare Card of Your Dreams!
Shocking, isn’t it! There are many rare cards available on JDirectItems Auction, so finding ones this expensive is not uncommon. These include Animal Crossing Amiibo cards, which has been selling out recently due to their usefulness for getting villagers in the hit game Animal Crossing New Horizons! On some websites you have to wait more than 3 months even if you make a reservation to purchase them, but you can find them here! Due to JDirectItems Auction’s bidding system, there is a good chance that you can snap up the item you want at a much cheaper price! Browse current trading card auctions via the link below!