Liebam, a Japanese Household Name
Founded in 1987, Liebam has become an important and well-known company for Japanese sticker books. They have produced sticker book series loved by many children over the years. Thinking while having fun and expanding creativity are some of Liebam’s most important goals. With hands-on learning, the concentration, imagination, and reasoning of children can improve. Liebam will continue to evolve with the time and support the development of children’s minds.

Stimulating Curiousity and Creativity
In this section, professional clinical psychologist Ayano Umeda offers some insight into how Liebam books engage and teach children. According to Umeda, engaging the cognitive senses of children through outside play helps to nurture strong mental and physical development.

Umeda also says that in a similar way, these cognitive senses can be improved by introducing children to sticker books and other kinds of educational books at an early age. These books will also greatly improve their language ability, understanding, expressiveness and self-reliance.
When children play with these sticker books, the hand-eye coordination needed for the activities in the books helps to develop the basic work/life skills that are needed to become truly independent in adulthood.
When parents and kids work together to connect the right names and colors to the colorful scenes in the sticker books, it leads to better language comprehension and understanding. This style of learning will also encourage growth in children’s communications skills and foster great creativity.
Activity books that rely on stories to teach visual understanding are able to encourage growth in the same way that traditional storytelling can. Picture books can also reinforce concentration on the story with the combination of sound and hands-on play. All of the types of available books have various methods to help children learn, so you can find one that matches your own learning style!